Ann Limpert, food and wine editor
Still arguing about Mayor Bloomberg’s supersize soda ban? Check out this smart take from a professor of evolutionary biology. Evolution’s Sweet Tooth
Also on the sugar front, remember those question-mark-wrapped Dum Dums? Born out of pure laziness. If only Jelly Belly had the same excuse for some of its flavors. What Is the Mystery Flavor of Dum Dums?
Gotta hand it to the Marmite folks—they’re nothing if not self-aware. Queen’s Corgi Stars in Hilarious Marmite Commercial
Tanya Pai, deputy managing editor
Hate beer that’s not the iciest of ice cold? No worries—Japan has developed a solution: frozen beer foam, swirled on top of your brew, fro-yo-style. Genius or disturbing? Maybe a little of both. Big in Japan: Soft Serve Beer
With a zombie apocalypse seeming all too imminent, Andy Samberg heads to Jimmy Kimmel Live to deliver a very important PSA: Don’t eat people. Watch Andy Samberg’s Anti-Cannibalism P.S.A.
And Serious Eats takes college-style boozing to a whole new level with its guide to drunken gummies. Bellini bears, where have you been all my life? How to Make Rummy Bears and Other Drunken Gummies
Jessica Voelker, online dining editor
Cancel all my appointments! I have to spend the next eight hours watching this weirdly beautiful video in which food gets flattened over and over. Flatten
Huff Po pokes fun at Washington’s string of presidential-themed restaurants (next up: Theodore Roosevelt homage Teddy & the Bully Bar) with a slideshow’s worth of ideas for future POTUS-inspired places. Alan Popovsky Launching Theodore Roosevelt Restaurant As He Expands Presidential Brand
Basic life skills have never been my strong suit. I blame you, home-economics-lacking high school curriculum. And also you, my mom’s job (but, uh, thank you both for making the whole going-to-college thing possible). Bring Back Home Ec!
California braces itself for “foie-mageddon.” What is it about foie gras that inspires so much portmanteau-making? Waddling Into the Sunset
Anna Spiegel, assistant food and wine editor
Via Eater, an interesting summer travel story from NPR. The answer is surprisingly not “Because the fear of death at 40,000 feet sours the palate” Why Does Airline Food Taste So Bad?
The Wall Street Journal weighs in on the never-ending hangover debate, and reading it is kind of like learning there’s no Santa Claus. Quick Cures/Quack Cures: Hangover Remedies
And because it’s almost Friday (thank you, David Chang, for highlighting this): Pictures of Asians Taking Pictures of Food