News & Politics 2012 Election: How Obama and Romney Prep for the Debates Success in the October debates depends heavily on being prepared. So what does history teach us? Capital Comment, Politics, Race for the White House | Sep 24, 2012
News & Politics When and How Did Presidential Debates Start? We chat with the Washingtonian who jump-started the process. Capital Comment, Politics | Sep 24, 2012
News & Politics Thanks for the Help, Tinseltown? Lots of candidates have gotten a boost from Hollywood pals. But the stories haven’t all had happy endings. Capital Comment, Politics | May 9, 2012
News & Politics Condi’s Mystery Men The former secretary of state's cryptic writing leaves readers wondering who the true players are in her book “No Higher Honor.” People | Nov 30, 2011
News & Politics Does Anyone Actually Read Bob Woodward’s Books? Washington experiences a unique phenomenon. Within days, books by high-profile writers are digested, discussed, and referenced. But let's be real. No one reads them, do they? Capital Comment, Reads | Jul 5, 2011
News & Politics Dan Shapiro and Michael Oren: Mixing Diplomacy with Davening The Israeli and U.S. ambassadors do business at Adas Synagogue. Capital Comment, Scene | May 4, 2011
News & Politics What’s Playing at the White House Movie Theater? The answer can provide insight into our nation's leaders People | Feb 25, 2011
2012 Election: How Obama and Romney Prep for the Debates
When and How Did Presidential Debates Start?
Thanks for the Help, Tinseltown?
Condi’s Mystery Men
Does Anyone Actually Read Bob Woodward’s Books?
Dan Shapiro and Michael Oren: Mixing Diplomacy with Davening
What’s Playing at the White House Movie Theater?