This page describes the contents of an issue of Washingtonian magazine. Subscribers get exclusive early access through our print and digital editions. Most of our feature stories are later published online and linked below.
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Cover Story
The Great Washington Bucket List
50 things every local needs to do (and how to do them without feeling like a tourist).
Edited by Sherri Dalphonse.
The new breakout star of hip-hop—he’s got a record deal with Def Jam—is a biracial rapper from Gaithersburg. By Jeff Weiss.
A Georgetown branch of Serendipity 3, New York’s fanciest ice-cream parlor, seemed like a great idea—until its owners started to quarrel. Here’s the story of the implosion, complete with squabbling socialites, police transcripts, and unsold extravagant sundaes. By Emily Codik.
FDR’s liberal wife and Teddy Roosevelt’s conservative daughter were two of Washington’s most prominent women. They were also first cousins. A look back at a family feud. By Marc Peyser and Timothy Dwyer.
Capital Comment
How low can DC’s murder rate go?…The new way to see movies…A distinctive Montgomery County building’s uncertain fate.
Where & When
Performances, exhibits, and other events worth your time this month.
Interview Barney Frank on three decades as Washington’s most powerful gay man. Books A memoir by Reggie Love, Obama’s “body man,” offers lessons (some unintentional) about getting ahead. Media Why Politico and its counterparts are seeking more than just web traffic. Turtle Town How College Park is trying to be a better college town. Death in DC Our field guide to Washington funerals.
In Every Issue
First Person A long trip and two possible final goodbyes.
Best Breakfasts Where to go for doughnuts, bagels, Benedicts, daytime drinking—and everything else you need to know about the first meal of the day.
Spring Fashion The season’s must-haves—no matter your budget.Tooth Picks More than 400 of the area’s best dentists, orthodontists, peri-odontists, and other specialists. Plus: how to brush better—and do women make better dentists?
Small Spaces No room? No prob-lem in these cleverly designed homes. Street Fight! We render a verdict in the battle over pop-ups. Retirement Options Cohousing with people of all ages can offer retirees a strong sense of community. Off the Market! A Georgetown condo goes for $6 million. Pets Medical marijuana (or something close) for animals.