News & Politics

The Quarantine Questionnaire: Tommy McFly

The media personality is getting into British TV and drinking Fauci Pouchys.

What’s the best thing you’ve streamed? Most useful thing in your freezer? Dream day when this is all over? In search of inspiration—and, let’s be honest, a bit of voyeurism—we’re asking Washingtonians (current and recently former) how they’re passing the time and getting through quarantine. Here’s “The Tommy Show” host Tommy McFly, the always-sunny radio man and emcee about town.


Best book I’ve read: Everything is F*cked, A Book About Hope. A friend gave my husband, Chrys, and me Mark Manson’s book The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck as part of a wedding present, and the latest in his series is so perfect for this moment.

Best thing I’ve streamed: The Durrells in Corfu. PBS Masterpiece isn’t my usual lane of viewing. The show was recommended by my husband’s coworker who normally consumes more, high brow content, and it’s great. Total escape-ism and British-ly funny.

Best podcast: Besides “The Tommy Show” podcast, available everywhere? Brené Brown’s “Unlocking Us.” She has an uncanny ability to reassure, get you thinking, and put uncertain times into perspective like no one else.

Best meme:  Dr. Fauci covering his face in horror.

Best virtual event: Best Buddies Hawaii asked me to help with their Virtual Friendship Walk kick off. I serve as chairman for Best Buddies Virginia/DC. Our participants with and without intellectual disabilities across the country have been staying connected online, and it’s been all happiness on that front. Best Buddies is basically the OG of fighting social isolation.

Most useful thing in the freezer:  Gin.

Least useful thing in the freezer:  Vegetables.

Surprisingly useful household item: While DIY-ing a home studio in our spare bedroom, I took the grow light we have on our plants and turned it into a microphone stand.

“Home studio, April 27: I’m wearing my ‘good sweats’ and just got done trying to sound proof my ‘studio’ after sounding like I’m broadcasting from Mark Warner’s tuna can for the last few weeks. My super awesome adult blanket fort is being held up by street-event tent poles, throws from the linen closet, and yes, that foam is suspended with fishing line tied to the HVAC duct. Mr Troy, riding shotgun.”

Song/album on repeat: Our “Real Fun Playlist” on the Tommy Show app. Yes, total shameless plug, but all the songs we play on our channel were picked by actual people. There’s something comforting about listening to songs and the stories behind picking them.

Best purchase: Case of Compass Coffee hand sanitizer.

Quarantine goal: Get better at TikTok (@MrTommyMcFLY).

Favorite takeout:  Farmers and Distillers. Loving their grocery market, too.

Favorite comfort food to make at home: My husband, Chrys, bought an ice cream maker.  There have been some wonderful creations like mint milk chocolate chip, olive oil, strawberry shortcake, and Greek chocolate.

Go-to at-home cocktail: Fauci Pouchy from Capo’s

Weight gain or loss: See the comfort food answer.

Worst part of the day: That moment when you realize you haven’t left your desk in lets call it 10 hours and you forgot to have lunch.

Best part of the day: All of the extra time with my pups. Cotoc and Troy have been my favorite part of quarantine.

Zoom, Google hangout, or FaceTime—and why:  Zoom. I’ve been a Zoom lover from way back and no one ever wanted to Zoom until now—feeling like I was all about Zoom before it “went corporate.”

Favorite quarantine activity: Connecting with our Tommy Show family of listeners in new ways. Kelly and I love meeting them where they are.

Working out or not working out: Working out-ish.  Trying to keep up with a Barry’s routine virtually.

Person I’d most like to spend a day quarantined with: Dr. Birx.

Person I’d least like to spend a day quarantined with: Twitter Troll. They must be miserable in real life.

Favorite place at home to quarantine: My home studio [in Mount Vernon Triangle]. Nicest view I’ve had in my entire career.

Most surprising self discovery: It’s very possible I could become a runner. Been runner-curious for a while. Social distancing, following the mayor’s guidelines, and my proximity to the National Mall have been an interesting combo.

Best coping mechanism: Long walks.

Dream day once this all ends: Sitting in a crowded restaurant, on their patio at a great table with friends. When the server asks, “Did we leave any room for dessert?”, shouting “YES!  Yes. A thousand times, yes!”, then ordering one of everything and tipping 50 percent.

Kristen Hinman
Articles Editor

Kristen Hinman has been editing Washingtonian’s features since 2014. She joined the magazine after editing politics & policy coverage for Bloomberg Businessweek and working as a staff writer for Voice Media Group/Riverfront Times.