John Paul Jones

Best known for:
Being a founder of the United States Navy
Talents include:
Waging war
You may not know:
Franklin Delano Roosevelt wrote a treatment for a movie about Jones, but Paramount declined to move forward with the idea.
Complicating factor:
May have been a pirate.
John Paul Jones

Best known for:
Being a contestant on Season 15 of The Bachelorette
Talents include:
Eating a surplus of chicken nuggets; growing impeccable flow; riding a unicycle.
You may not know:
He’s a thespian. Jones starred in the play Picnic while at Catholic University for undergrad, where it seems it was essential he remain shirtless to stay in character.
Complicating factor:
As the wise Chris Harrison noted, Jones may be the second coming of Jeff Spicoli.
John Paul Jones

Best known for:
Being the bassist for Led Zeppelin
Talents include:
You may not know:
He wrote the guitar riff for “Black Dog.”
Complicating factor:
Real name is John Baldwin.
John Paul Jones

Best known for:
Being an arena at the University of Virginia
Talents include:
Being an arena at the University of Virginia
You may not know:
It’s named for the father of billionaire investor Paul Tudor Jones.
Complicating factor:
Can’t seem to get rid of the Dave Matthews Band.