Find DC’s Best Pet Care Providers
Here are the best pet care services in the Washington, DC, area, as voted by local veterinarians and pet owners. Search our database of trainers, vets, boarding facilities, groomers, and other businesses to find the best care for your pet.
How They're Chosen

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How DC's Best Care Providers Are Chosen

October 18, 2018

We surveyed thousands of Washington-area pet owners to ask which trainers, vets, boarding facilities, dog walkers, groomers, and other businesses they trust with their animals. This listing is a compilation of the survey results.

In this online list, winning pet care providers are identified with a “Best Pet Care” logo. Our digital listings of providers’ contact information also includes sponsors, but only Best Pet Care designees carry the award logo. To learn more, please email or call 202-296-1246.


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