Lyndon Boozer (right) and his posse: Yebbie Watkins, Gerry Harrington, and Dave Grimaldi. Photograph by Jeff Martin
Washington Post publisher Katharine Weymouth during a subdued moment on the dance floor. Photograph by Jeff Martin
Thomas and Donna Harvey. Photograph by Jeff Martin
Sharon Malone and Hillary Baltimore. Malone is a medical doctor, and her husband is attorney general Eric Holder. Photograph by Jeff Martin
PR powerhouses Jayne Sandman and Winston Bao Lord. Photograph by Jeff Martin
Dr. Kevin Roots and Wendy Castillo. Photograph by Jeff Martin
Post publisher Katharine Weymouth and Post reporter Keith Alexander. Photograph by Jeff Martin
The procession of Alvin Ailey dancers through the dinner party. Photograph by Jeff Martin
Dinah Reese, Alvin Ailey star Renee Robinson, and Bettie Robinson-Gibbs. Photograph by Jeff Martin
Dancers Rachel McLaren and Marcus Willis. Photograph by Jeff Martin
Sheyiojo Seicimi, Alicia Graf Mack, Linda-Denise Fisher-Harrell, and Christine Keller. Photograph by Jeff Martin
One of the gala’s cochairs, Gina Adams of FedEx. Photograph by Jeff Martin
Francine Levinson, who is looking forward to a legal medical marijuana industry in Washington. Photograph by Jeff Martin
Francine Levinson on the dance floor. Photograph by Jeff Martin
George and Trish Vradenburg. Photograph by Jeff Martin