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Tweet Beat: Mushy, Menacing, and Murky Edition

This week, birthdays, the death tax, and totally incomprehensible Tweets.

This week is just about as hot and draining as last week, but Congress shook its lethargy long enough to get a financial-regulation-reform bill to President Obama’s desk Wednesday. The Congressional Twitterverse also seems more lively than last week. Aside from requisite financial-reform tweets, members were mushy (Gus Bilirakis), menacing (Jim DeMint), and murky (Chuck Grassley). Plus, Claire McCaskill and Earl Blumenauer gang up on John Boehner, Jim Himes uses some vivid language to describe “animal crush” videos, and John Shimkus tweets a pretty graphic Bible verse. There’s also insanity, Sesame Street, and race tracks.

RepGusBilirakis Wishing my beautiful wife,Eva,a Happy Birthday! Sorry I’m not there,looking forward to celebrating together on Saturday!
Rep. Gus Bilirakis, Florida

JimDeMint I’ll work to force a vote this week to permanently kill the death tax.
Senator Jim DeMint, South Carolina

ChuckGrassley Hv u subsrbed 2 my enewsletter-TheScoop? click here 2 view&signup&contact me
Sen. Chuck Grassley, Iowa

clairecmc I’m scratching my head on this one.Boehner said yesterday that he didn’t know whether his three brothers who lost their jobs had found work.
Sen. Claire McCaskill, Missouri

repblumenauer Last year Boehner told GOP to be communicators not legislators. Now says we need more legislators. How confusing to be in Boehner’s world.
Rep. Earl Blumenauer, Oregon

jahimes Tweet from the Seat (TM): discussing animal crush videos. What kind of deep-fried unmitigated freakshow watches these things?
Rep. Jim Himes, Connecticut

RepShimkus Jer 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee; before thou came forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, I ordained thee a prophet
Rep. John Shimkus, Illinois

RepLynnJenkins RT @GOPConference The Definition of Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again & Expecting Different Results
Rep. Lynn Jenkins, Kansas

SenatorMenendez RT @AliciaMenendez: Ha–@MeetthePress Sesame Street style
Sen. Robert Menendez, New Jersey

jasoninthehouse Dems produced no budget but we are going to “debate” honoring a race track. Yes, it is this frustrating. Amazing
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, Utah

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