Amid the high-rise condos and basement apartments that dominate Craigslist’s housing section, we found a renovated mansion that’s the subject of local lore. The building is the inspiration for the novel and subsequent film War of the Roses, in which a divorced couple draws a battle line in their home when neither of the two agrees to move out. The real-life couple refused to maintain the house to spite each other, but later sold it to a developer who renovated the neglected home and split it up into apartments.
Even after the renovations, the two-bedroom, two-bathroom space retains old-world charm with 13-foot ceilings, a fireplace, and elegant details on the molding. Other perks of the 1,250-square-foot home include a large kitchen and dining area, a master bedroom with a walk-in closet and Jacuzzi bath, a small balcony, and a great conversation starter about your history-filled apartment.
Address: 1 Logan Circle NW, Apt. 5
Price: $3,900
Move-in: September 1