With the stock market down and the real estate market soft, dining advice matters more than ever. The places that earned a spot on our list of 100 Best Restaurants did so with memorable cooking. Because of the times, we placed a higher premium on value. Check out our photo slideshow of the restaurants and dishes that wowed us this year–and are worth the splurge.
Related: We’re Counting down the top 20 restaurants from our 100 Best Restaurants List
→ 100 Best Restaurants Database
→ Printable List of 100 Best Restaurants
→ Best Restaurants in Washington, DC
→ Best Restaurants in Virginia
→ Best Restaurants in Maryland
→ Critics Pick the 25 Best Dishes
→ 30 Great-Value Dishes
→ Restaurateurs of the Year
→ The 2009 Foodie In and Out List
→ 100 Best Photo Slideshow