News & Politics

The Morning Buzz

Good morning, Washington! Here's what we're reading around the web this AM.

Photo by Flickr user Mr. T in DC

What beautiful fall-ish weather out there, right, DC? It's likely to continue, with the Capital Weather Gang calling this past weekend's heat 2008's "last gasp of summer."

A dirty, raggedy-looking (fake) polar bear managed to be an enormous security threat and shut down the Metro for hours yesterday. Yeah, we don't know what to say, either. Other bears were spotted around town, and DCist speculates that it's part of an elaborate campaign to raise awareness about the plight of the polar bears. If so, they're doing a pretty good job.

Our photo deadline is quickly arriving—this Friday is the last day you can enter a submission for our transportation-themed photo contest. The winner gets published in an upcoming issue of Washingtonian magazine, so get cracking! 

Greater Greater Washington reports that the DC Council has approved fines for those who park/idle in bike lanes.